Shan State is situated East of the Republic of the Union of Myanmar in Mongsat at the border of Thailand and Myanmar. Bharahita Temple has opened the public school from pre-school to grade-7  so far. The school is runby Myanmar government according to Myanmar Education System. All children are the ones who belong to the ethnic groups and their education is our responsiblity. The government support for rice in every six months round and temple has responsiblity to accept the donation from the local people for food and study materials  such as books, pen, pencil, robes, health care and payments for some teachers. The school's objectives are as follow:
1. to instill children in good habit
2. to provide strong background education for children3. to guarantee their life achievement4. to provide them with healthy things5. to train the children from underprivileged family and poor conditions to higher quality of life.
The numbers of students increase in every year since their education enthusiasm is in high interest. Now temple is making effort to develop school library for the students and all local people. The instruction medium for school is
1. Myanmar (taught in school)
2. English (taught in summer and school)
3. Tai (taught in summer)
4. Thai (taught in the temple but not the subject in the school)5. (Chinese will be opened in 2014)
Donate: general books and study materials
ติดต่อได้ที่ พระยี่ หรือ (Ven. Phra Yee)
Phra Yee (0816160910)
Wat Plubpla
Suan Yai District
Nonthaburi 11000
พระยี (0816160910)
จังวัดนนทบุรี 11000

collecting the books for library. students in Bharahita Temple Sangha students studying section OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA collecting the books for library in the classroom teaching students are studying

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Buddhist Sangha Youth Thailand

ยุวพุทธสงฆ์ ประเทศไทย ยพสท